It’s at this time of year that we are looking for the perfect colours and products to compliment our pretty party dresses. Since being back home, I’ve found a selection of products that have been perfect for creating a fresh and natural holiday look. The great thing about this combination is that it can easily transition from a brunch to an evening dinner or party since all the products are buildable. I hope you enjoy my holiday picks! Merry Christmas, {Read More}
Archives for December 2013
The Top 5 Natural Perfumes: Natural “Perfume” for Every Beauty
Move over Chanel No. 5, there are some new (non-toxic) girls in town! Look it up on the Environmental Working Group’s Cosmetics Database, and you’ll quickly see why artificial fragrance should be kicked out of your beauty routine! Not only is it bad for the environment (all products with fragrance are – everything from conventional laundry detergent, to shampoo and soap), fragrance is also found to be a known human immune toxicant & irritant. Further, conventional fragrances (perfumes) also contain {Read More}
The Ultimate Natural Beauty Gift Guide
With the holidays rolling right around the corner, I figured I would follow up on last year’s holiday post and create another “ultimate gift guide” for the natural beauties in your life. This year, I’ve done things a little differently and separated them into categories, so you will find perfect little gifts for everyone. I hope you (and the lucky receiver) enjoys! Perfect Presents for the Subscription Lover We all have those friends that love subscribing – not only are {Read More}
The Beauty Benefits of Honey & Why You Should Incorporate It In Your Diet & Beauty Routine
Today I have a very special guest post from beautiful Selina who sent along a brilliant post for LPN to share with you. After you’ve had a little read, I’ll give you some of my thoughts. It’s all about the honey, hunny! Guest Post from Selina Torres I often tell people I’m a foodie, but what I really mean is that I’ll eat nearly anything you put in front me. If it’s sweet, there’s a chance you may even lose {Read More}
The Best Vegan & Raw Chocolate Pudding. Ever.
I realize I haven’t been posting many recipes as of late…and I really can’t come up with a good reason as to why. So I thought, with this fine December day, and us heading into holiday season, there is no time like the present to post on some alternatives for the sugar-laden foods we tend to find ourselves around throughout December. If you catch yourself needing a sweet (and chocolately) treat, look no further than this glorious pudding recipe. The {Read More}