Happy weekend, beauties! Today’s post is a follow up on my last iHerb haul, after so many of you seemed to enjoy that post. It had a tonne of visits and I had a lot of great response from my picks. Given that I was spending some more time on iHerb today, I figured, hey, why not just do a round two? If you want to check out my shopping cart directly, you can see the link here. Otherwise, scroll {Read More}
Archives for January 2016
LPN’s January Faves – Natural Beauty and Wellness
What better way to start off the new year than with some new faves? Ok, It’s not my first post of the month, but I needed some weeks to try some amazing new products and get my results before I could bare down and write you about all this goodness. Today’s post spans from the Ultra luxe (and effective) to the everyday lovelies. It’s a good mix of “a little bit of everything”, hope you enjoy. Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical {Read More}
Spiritual Beauty – The Latest Trends in Natural Beauty
Spirituality: A slightly unorthodox topic for a wellness and natural beauty blog, no? But hear me out. We are all energy and within that energy comes power – and that, my dears, is related to quantum physics (have a read of Deepak Chopra’s Ageless Body Timeless Mind to get the drift of what I mean here). Energy can be maneuvered around the body, and used as a ways to heal the body; age related skin damage included. While we may {Read More}