After a wonderful holiday season in Norway, I am headed south for a little while. You’ll hear from me when I’m back from Africa. I can’t wait! Happy New Year LPN’ers! May this year bring you all that is great and good. In the mean time, some help on your resolutions: X K
Archives for December 2012
Harsh Winter Got You Down? Save Your Skin with Salve!
One of my absolute favourite things on this earth is a good farmer’s market. At home, abroad, anywhere really, I just love them. While living in Paris, I would head to the farmer’s market even when I didn’t need any groceries… just to breathe the air and “sample”. Below are some shots from the Organic Paris farmers market on Rue de Raspail (this past spring) and the Bonden’s Market over the weekend (yes, that is a real reindeer). Natural Finds At {Read More}
A Natural Mascara That Works? It Exists! Organic Wear by Physicians Formula: Review
Over and over I have been disappointed by mascaras – natural and chemical alike. So I suppose it is needless to say, I have high expectations when it comes to mascara performance (aka, make my eye lashes look like they go for miles, or don’t bother). Nothing changes your look more dramatically than a full set of lashes – it is (arguably) my #1 “can’t live without” beauty product. A bestie of mine recommended that I “just try” this mascara; she {Read More}
Use Cream Cleansers to Beat Dry Winter Blues – Intelligent Nutrients, Trilogy, Morcaresse and Miessence Reviews
This time of year can be both delightful and frightful, if you’re a dry skinned gal like me. The cool (or downright COLD, in Norway) temperatures and dry air make a gentle cream cleanser a necessity. Since October I have tested 4 cream cleansers. For your reading pleasure (a little presumptuous, maybe) I have reviewed them for any gal trying to “save face” this winter. But before I do, it is worth noting a few things about cream cleansers: they {Read More}
Natural & Wellness Holiday Gift Ideas from LPN
Happy Holidays Lovelies! I have been admittedly absent over the past few weeks … I could bore you with the details, but instead I’ll excuse it to multiple travels and a bestie visiting me here in the North… Despite this, I’ve been stockpiling blog posts in the back of my mind, so without further adieu, let’s “get back together,” I’ve missed you. It’s that time of year, and you’re thinking about what to buy for your best friends, your mom and your {Read More}