Coconut Oil – Your Best Natural Beauty Friend

Oh you’ve heard about it time and time again, but there is nothing like a little refresher now and again, right? This post was inspired for three reasons:

  1. I thought my last post on coconut oil for beauty could use some updating
  2. There is a new e-book on Coconut Oil for Beginners (it focuses on coconut oil’s variety of uses for health, weight loss, beauty, and recipes)
  3. I had a wonderful guest post submission from the lovelies over at Lucy Bee Extra Virgin Fair Trade Coconut Oil

So, you know it’s a magnificent beauty oil, but how exactly do you use it to get the most benefits? Well, there are a great many ways. Helen from Lucy Bee has kindly laid out the best in coconut beauty basics in an easy to read guide below, while Coconut Oil for Beginners gives us a comprehensive overview of treatments ranging from Anti-Aging Super Night Cream to Coconut Oil Toothpaste!

Lucy Bee’s Coconut Oil Beauty Tips & Tricks

The best quality coconut oil is set to become a staple for anyone interested in a natural and healthy beauty regime. One of the first sensations you’ll experience is moisture without that greasy feel, so prevalent in commercial cosmetics.

Where can I use Coconut Oil?

Hair, skin, teeth and nails all benefit from the use of organic and Virgin cold pressed coconut oil. It’s important to check the label for these facts, the best quality is going to cost around $12 USD (8 – 10 GBP) for 500ml.

Eating Coconut Oil for Beauty?

LPN has long said that beauty comes from within – literally. Therefore, a natural diet and the addition of (a healthy amount of) coconut oil is great for using in your cooking, your raw food creations and even on your gluten-free toast. Because of its antioxidant properties, coconut oil is an anti aging helper internally too. There are a host of recipes (5 Chapters full) in the book Coconut Oil for Beginners – including both veggie and non-veggie meals – and is a great cooking oil (should you choose to cook with oil) as it has a high smoke point, keeping it stable at higher temperatures. Shop the book for only $3 USD for the Kindle Version! 

Coconut Oil Hair Treatments

Coconut oil can be considered nature’s natural repair kit for multiple reasons, but a key component is coconut oil’s Lauric Acid content (also present in mother’s milk). This natural compound penetrates deep into the hair follicle, moisturizing on a level conditioners only dream of getting. The oil goes a long way, so just add a little to your fingertips and rub into your hair or scalp. It’s also ideal to use as a ‘hair mask’ if your hair is in need of some tender care. Some other coconut oil uses for hair include:

  • Revitalize damaged hair
  • Reduce frizzy hair
  • Encourage hair growth
  • Prevent split ends
  • Treat dandruff (it’s anti-fungal)

Coconut Oil on your Skin

Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal but so gentle and moisturizing that it’s probably the best addition to your natural daily skin care routine. Use it to remove your eye-makeup, make your own body scrubs and enhance your cheekbones (high shine factor — this is a key ingredient in RMS beauty’s Living Luminizer). You’ll find plenty of anecdotal evidence concerning coconut oil in the treatment other skin issues including:

  • Acne
  • Exfoliation (combine with sugar, as an exfoliant)
  • Sun screen (5 SPF)
  • Sun burn (use as after sun)
  • Dry lips (lip Balm)
  • Lightening age spots
  • Reducing the appearance of stretch marks; and
  • Treating nappy rash

Using Coconut Oil on your Teeth

If you haven’t read LPN’s post on Oil Pulling, now is a good time to. It’s the practice of forcing oil between your teeth and ‘pulling’ back the oil, through your teeth. It’s a traditional way of maintaining oral health, as well as aiding in a full body detox.

Because of the anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities of coconut oil, a certain amount of ‘oil-pulling’ can help keep your teeth clean, free from plaque and treat gingivitis. The added benefit is a pleasant aftertaste and sweeter breath.

Read LPN’s MindBodyGreen post to see details on how to get whiter teeth naturally – coconut oil is a key component of this routine.

Coconut Oil for Nail Health

Try rubbing a small amount of oil into your cuticles; the oil stimulates healthy new nail growth and can be used to treat painful hangnails.

Other Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil goes beyond the topical, it can also be used for treating a multitude of ailments internally. It’s a great help for aiding your digestion, boosting your immune system, regulating blood sugar and improving one’s thyroid function (helping with energy and metabolism).

Details to know about Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a saturated fat (60% medium chain triglycerides, MCTs) – but don’t freak out – while it might not be a great diet supplement for those with high cholesterol (I am no doctor, so make sure that taking coconut oil is right for you), the MCTs bring the health benefits.

In terms of which coconut oil is best, try to look out for fair trade oils that come from areas such as the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Also look out for cold pressed (or raw), organic and virgin. These ensure the purity of the product is of high quality.  UK-based LPN’ers should check out Lucy Bee’s Raw, Organic, Virgin coconut oil, 500 ml for 9 GBP. 

For those based in North America, try out one of my favourite brands, Artisana Raw, Organic Coconut Oil. Which retails for about $13 USD.

What’s your favourite coconut oil brand?

Yours in Healthy Beauty,