Today I have a very special LPN interview with an absolutely incredible natural beauty: Megan Cannon. Megan was one of the yoga teachers/inspirers at my Yandara Yoga Teacher Training last month in Bali.
When she first walked in the room, I was instantaneously struck by her natural beauty, but the way this Goddess radiated, I knew she was something very special. You could feel her love from across the room — and her presence was filled with kindness, compassion and true inner beauty.
Throughout the duration of the teacher training I was more and more intrigued to know what made this natural beauty tick, and what were her tips and tricks to living pretty, naturally.
When she first said that she was turning 40, my jaw dropped. Upon meeting her, I thought she at the very latest, 31. I knew that you LPN’ers would love to hear her story too, so we sat down near the last day of the training and below you’ll hear her natural beauty story.
Quick Stats:
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Current Location: The Big Island of Hawaii, Puna
Profession: Yoga Teacher & Wellness Institute of Hawaii Program Director
Yoga Style: Certified Iyengar Instructor & Embodied Yoga Teacher
Who is Megan Cannon?
In this body and lifetime, Megan is a self proclaimed “wo-manifestation” of God/Goddess. A daughter, sister and one day, a mother. She was put on this planet to inspire – and she truly does that in a great many ways. She is a a yogini, a teacher and a wellness aficionado. She is a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher – has been practicing for 20 years – and has traveled twice to study intensively with the Iyengar family in Poone, India.
Describe your morning routine as it relates to your beauty and wellness:
I wakeup in the morning about an hour before the sunrises and keep myself in silence, ideally until about an hour after the sun comes up. I’ll sit in my bed or go out and watch the sun rise and meditate.
After my meditation, I’ll drink about 1.5 litres of warm or room temperature water (dependent upon the season) with lemon and a dash of sea salt.
The lemon and sea salt (or himalayan salt) help the body to “de-calcify” – or break up the old calcium in the body that builds up into “egg shell” like compounds in the body (think bone spurts, or osteoporosis). It is one of David Wolfe‘s (Health, Eco, Nutrition, and Natural Beauty Expert) longevity principles, as it give us the important minerals for our body, but beyond that the lemon and sea salt also helps to neutralize and alkalize the body.
After drinking my water, I’ll have some chai tea, coffee or yerba mate.
Once I’m feeling awake and feeling that I’ve had enough time in silence, I’ll go for a jog or a walk – usually between 1-3 miles. I always listen to my body about what I need that day.
Following my jog, I’ll try to get some asana practice in for about an hour – outside on a grassy field.
Morning Go-To Smoothie – around 9 AM
When I get back from my morning jog and asana, I’ll create my superfood-packed smoothie.
[LPN note: Lucky for Megan, her good friend is founder of SunWarrior – Nick Stern – so she fully stocks her beauty food smoothies with their raw & natural products. Pictured are her SunWarrior Ormus Greens & Liquid Vitamin Rush – not pictured is her protein powder & SunWarrior Raw Vitamins]
[LPN OFFER: Shop SunWarrior products on iHerb and use the code MEP206 to get $10 off your first order!]
Or Order direct from Sunwarrior’s website here
So, what’s in her smoothie?
- Ripe banana (or 2-4 of the small “apple bananas” sweet and ripe)
- Fresh young coconut water
- 1 scoop of cacao
- Medicinal mushrooms (reishi)
- Maca root powder
- Papaya
- Scoop of SunWarrior protein
- Scoop of SunWarrior Ormus Greens (pictured above)
Additions when I have them on hand include:
- Extra Spirulina (Megan likes Pacifica’s from the Kona side of Hawaii – shop here for $23 USD and use code MEP206 for a discount)
- Mucuna (boosts serotonin, and is great for any kind of minor to medium levels of depression – it comes from a bean)
- Avocado (when she craves a creamy thick smoothie)
I make about a pint glass and then have some left over that I can sip on during the day. This holds me over for a while, especially because of the protein.
Depending on where I am on my cycle, though, I might have an egg on some gluten free toast, as well as some mashed avocado.
You have incredible skin, what’s your morning skincare routine?
It’s super simple. In the morning, I usually just splash water on my face when I wake up (all of our water comes from a water catchment — rain water — and then we UV filter it), then after my jog, I’ll rinse my face with water and I’ll put on a little bit of aloe on my face, neck and chest. I’ve been doing this for 10 years.
I never use soap on my skin, as it’s drying.
Her fave? Lily of the Desert 99% aloe – shop at iHerb for $3.49 USD.
[LPN Note: Needless to say, I’ve already ordered mine on iHerb last week and am looking forward to testing it out.]
What are your top 5 Beauty foods for their health and beauty benefits?
- Avocado (Moisturizes skin, helps digestion – leading to better skin)
- Coconut oil (Both on the skin and taken internally)
- Raw Cacao and Cacao Butter (great for skin and helping to keep the skin and hair shiny – and it’s good for the heart and mood uplifting)
- Spirulina/Chlorella/Blue Green Algae (the more I take of these, I find I see more beauty out in nature – colours in nature seem to pop out more)
- Turmeric (both for anti-inflammatory reasons and its calming properties – it’s also known as one of nature’s most powerful antidepressants)
What’s the top natural beauty tip you’ve picked up in Hawaii?
There are a few:
I’ve heard a lot about rubbing the noni plant all over their bodies – and some people swear by it for beautiful glowing skin. But be forewarned, it’s so stinky!
For me, I usually put coconut oil on my skin (not my face, however) and I have heard David Wolfe say that coconut oil applied topically on the skin can help reduce cellulite.
Also on Hawaii I’ve learned a lot about it bee medicine – fresh raw honey and propolis is amazing for healing.
[Megan healed a very deep wound – it went down to her bone around her entire upper arm – using just a wrap with a paste of raw honey and propolis. With its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, she nursed herself back to health and avoided infection]
Last, my friends and I will take overripe avocado and rub it all over our skin down at the beach (including the face and hair) and then take the sand rub it on our bodies to exfoliate. I leave it on a while, and then go out to the ocean to scrub it off. It’s a lot of fun to be walking up and down the beach neon green with your friends.
Make your own avocado body scrub using coffee grinds or course raw sugar, instead of sand
What’s your secret natural wellness remedy?
I leave a pot of chopped ginger and turmeric on my stove top all the time and I just boil it and let it sit there. When it starts to get low, I always fill it up with more chopped turmeric and ginger as well as water.
When I make myself a drink with it (I drink about two cups a day) I mix:
- The ginger/turmeric tonic
- 1 tsp of coconut oil
- Small scoop of cacao
- Raw honey
It’s so yummy! If I ever feel a cold coming on, this seems to just nip it in the bud, but it’s also preventative.
I also really love Bach’s Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy, which is great for stress. I usually have this one on hand. And Wellness Formula by Source Naturals is great if I’m really feeling something coming on.
What natural necessities will we find in your purse?
[LPN Note: Megan lifted up her purse to show me what she usually carried around – and it wasn’t giant, but she managed to keep a few necessities in there.]
This (pointing to her lip balm) is from one of my friends who is a bee keeper in Hawaii and she makes the best lip balm from bee propolis. Her brand is called Paradise Nectar and I can’t say I really like any other kind.
Another “natural necessity” when I’m mooning, is my Diva Cup. It’s made of silicon so it’s non-toxic and means that it’s both safer for the environment and for your body as well.
Shop the Diva Cup on iHerb for $32 USD and use code MEP206 to get $10 off your first purchase.
Last, I always carry a water bottle in my purse. I live in a hot climate, so I get around 4-5 litres of water per day – always adding lemon and himalayan salt to keep the electrolytes and minerals balanced.
What are your favourite natural cosmetics brands?
I really like Gabriel Cosmetics for their eye shadow, and eye liner. Lately I have been really loving greens and indigo/purple on my eyes.
I use Zuzu Luxe mascara and tend to avoid wearing makeup on my face [and trust me, she doesn’t need any, her skin is glowing].
For keeping care of my hair, I like to use Aubrey’s Rosa Mosqueta shampoo for hydration and GPB Conditioner for protein building. Both can be purchased on iHerb for $8.49 and $6.50 respectively. Use code MEP206 for a discount off your purchase.
You live in the land of sun – how do you protect your skin and hair from sun damage?
Hats first and foremost in the last year – and I don’t sunbathe. I allow myself to get some sun, as I feel its the only way our body really absorbs Vitamin D; but if I am going to be out surfing or doing other activities, the only sunblock I will wear is Aubrey’s in 30 or 45 SPF.
Shop online at iHerb for $9.49 USD – use code MEP206 for a discount off your first order. *LPN has tested this sunscreen and it is agreeable fabulous and safe for the whole body.
For my hair, I use coconut oil and have been washing my hair less. I might wash it as little as once a week and just condition the ends.
When you leave this planet what, how do you wish to be remembered?
I hope to be remembered as one who inspired others to love their bodies and live a life that brings them joy and peace. I want to be remembered as someone who inspires and empowers others. I also want to be remembered for my kindness.
I wish my children and grandchildren to be inspired to be the best person they can be – forgiving of both themselves and of others.
Who has played a big inspiration in your life?
Certainly my mom. I’ve looked up to her since I was a young child and I remember looking at her as the most beautiful woman on the planet. I secretly wished to be as beautiful as my mom some day. [She got her wish]
Despite how beautiful my mother is, she has had an unhealthy self image for a long time. This has inspired me to work towards changing my habits to ensure that I don’t pass this onto my children.
Another major inspiration is Serene – my first spiritual mentor. She is so beautiful. Her light and love just radiates out. She really inspired and taught me how to love myself.
Louise Hay’s book, Love Yourself, Heal Your Life, is amazing and also had a big impact on me. There are so many exercises in the book where you actually look at yourself in the mirror and look yourself in the eyes. It really helps to switch your self-talk. [Something all of us women could probably do more of – speaking to ourselves with love].
Last, my friend Sid Genette, who is “the illuminator” (both literally and figuratively – he works in lighting) but he really lit something in me. It was during the time I met him that I really felt my whole life shift.
At the end of the day, what’s your self-care and wind down routine like?
I try to do some asana both in the morning time and in the evening time, during sun down. After that I don’t mind having a nice organic glass of red wine, and go on a solo walk. Sometimes I will journal before bed if I feel like I have some thoughts to get out.
I love to do Supta Virasana (laying down with knees bent) or Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) before bed – about 5 – 10 minutes. They say that if you do supta virasana before bed, you tend to wake up in the morning with legs ready to go for the day.
Last, I really love to put a few drops of lavender oil on my pillows. My favourite oils are the DoTerra oils.
Quick Q’s
- Favourite Yoga Pose: Side Angle – Utthita Parsvakonasana (it’s very strengthening and grounding as well as gives a very good lateral stretch – it does everything) and Shoulder Balance – Sarvangasana (it’s considered to be the Queen of all the asana, and there has been a study done that the mammals that never get arthritis are the ones that spend a lot of time upside down – possums and bats)
- Favourite Yoga Style: Iyengar
- Favourite Book: Seat of the Soul by Garry Zukav & Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho
- Astrological Sign: Scorpio
- Gemstone of choice: Star Sapphire, clear quartz and Larimar
- Favourite Food: Avocado & sprouted coconuts (they are absolutely divine)
- Favourite Travel Destination: Bali
- Favourite non-yoga activity: Dance
- Favourite music artist: Snatam Kaur, Shamans Dream & Deva Premal
- Diet: Vegetarian
Well, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed getting to know beautiful Megan and her natural beauty secrets as much as I did. Hopefully you will find some inspiration for a new addition to your wellness routine.
Have a beautiful Sunday <3