The Most Effective Natural Deodorants & Dangers of Antiperspirant

Today is all about your underarms and what you’re putting on them to keep them fresh as daisies. I was inspired to write this post for two reasons: 1. The dangers of conventional antiperspirants and 2. Reader requests on “what actually works” So let’s get down to business, what’s wrong with the drug store stuff? I am sure you’ve heard time and time again, avoid run-of-the-mill antiperspirant (think Degree, Lady Speed Stick, Secret, Right Guard, Old Spice, Axe etc. etc. {Read More}

Natural Beauty in the Bag – My “Can’t Live Withouts”

Happy Friday Beauties! Today I felt a kink in my shoulder after carrying around my giant purse all day (#girlproblems). When I finally got home I decided to go through it and figure out what I could live without when I am out and about. In doing this I realized most of the weight was a result of my natural favourites which, one-by-one, magically made their way into my bag that could probably fit a small child. I figured, people {Read More}

Natural Beauty & Wellness Reads – Recommended Reading for your Healthy Lifestyle

On this fair Valentine’s day, I thought I’d share some paperback love and give you some fantastic resources for your natural beautifying journey. There are loads of books, magazines and blogs that offer value-for-time, but shifting through the “noise” can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. I’ve read my share of beauty books, natural healing guides and of course specific diets that promise to work wonders on your skin, weight, hair and overall glow. While there is no secret (and anyone {Read More}

Radiate Natural Beauty Everyday with 6 Wellness Acts before 8:30 AM

The morning is one of the most wonderful parts of my day. It’s true “me” time… that is, if I get up early enough. It’s a time to indulge and treat yourself well; it’s a time to set your day in a positive trajectory and it’s a time to start your beauty routine, before you even pick up your cleanser. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in the morning by getting up an hour earlier, even an extra fifteen minutes can do {Read More}

Facial Oil Feature: Kimia Exquisite Rejuvenating Facial System Review for Anti-Aging

I love natural facial oils. They are the most pure, safe and effective way to moisturize your face and body. I try a great deal of products, but without fail, before bed I’m always using an oil of some sort (often, it is rosehip oil). While I am happy with my rose oil, in my true “Exploratory Kate” fashion (basically a desire for the superlative of everything), I went on the hunt for something more luxurious, and this is what I found: The {Read More}

How to Make Your Own Almond Milk & Some Thoughts on Dairy

When it comes to beautiful skin and hair, you might be surprised to know that dairy products can actually hamper your natural beauty goals. We have been told since a young age that we must eat dairy for the health of our bones, to promote healthy intestinal flora (think Activia yogurt belly dancing ads), weight loss and for the cool white moustache. But really think about it. Milk comes from the breast of a cow – to feed her young. Humans are {Read More}

My African Adventure – A Photographic Journey in Natural Beauty (and some other fun stuff)

I’ve missed you, beauties! But I am now back from an amazing trip to Africa and wanted to share my journey (and beauty finds) with you. Below are some photos from the sights, the people, the experiences and the beauty of Senegal, Africa. I joined some amazing people on a whirlwind trip around this beautiful country and was even blessed enough to experience a (royal) African wedding. Join me on my journey below: This is a sunset picture of the {Read More}

Be Back Soon!

After a wonderful holiday season in Norway, I am headed south for a little while. You’ll hear from me when I’m back from Africa.  I can’t wait!   Happy New Year LPN’ers! May this year bring you all that is great and good. In the mean time, some help on your resolutions: X K

Harsh Winter Got You Down? Save Your Skin with Salve!

One of my absolute favourite things on this earth is a good farmer’s market. At home, abroad, anywhere really, I just love them. While living in Paris, I would head to the farmer’s market even when I didn’t need any groceries… just to breathe the air and “sample”. Below are some shots from the Organic Paris farmers market on Rue de Raspail (this past spring) and the Bonden’s Market over the weekend (yes, that is a real reindeer). Natural Finds At {Read More}

A Natural Mascara That Works? It Exists! Organic Wear by Physicians Formula: Review

Over and over I have been disappointed by mascaras – natural and chemical alike. So I suppose it is needless to say, I have high expectations when it comes to mascara performance (aka, make my eye lashes look like they go for miles, or don’t bother).  Nothing changes your look more dramatically than a full set of lashes – it is (arguably) my #1 “can’t live without” beauty product. A bestie of  mine recommended that I “just try” this mascara; she {Read More}

Use Cream Cleansers to Beat Dry Winter Blues – Intelligent Nutrients, Trilogy, Morcaresse and Miessence Reviews

This time of year can be both delightful and frightful, if you’re a dry skinned gal like me. The cool (or downright COLD, in Norway) temperatures and dry air make a gentle cream cleanser a necessity. Since October I have tested 4 cream cleansers. For your reading pleasure (a little presumptuous, maybe) I have reviewed them for any gal trying to “save face” this winter. But before I do, it is worth noting a few things about cream cleansers: they {Read More}

Natural & Wellness Holiday Gift Ideas from LPN

Happy Holidays Lovelies! I have been admittedly absent over the past few weeks … I could bore you with the details, but instead I’ll excuse it to multiple travels and a bestie visiting me here in the North… Despite this, I’ve been stockpiling blog posts in the back of my mind, so without further adieu, let’s “get back together,” I’ve missed you. It’s that time of year, and you’re thinking about what to buy for your best friends, your mom and your {Read More}

Natural Travel Wipes: Beaming Beauty Organic Face Wipes Review

In advance of another trip to Paris (yes, admittedly I’m absolutely in love with that city), I got to thinking about some of my favourite travel beauty buys.  Living in Europe has taught me the golden rule: always travel light. Traveling light here means one carry-on and you’re off — provided you don’t bring any products that need to be checked for “liquid restriction reasons”. Given that I love my products, I have a separate mini arsenal for when I {Read More}

Best Vegan Protein Powder: Vega One Review

I’m a huge believer that you can get everything you need from the foods that come out of this earth – it their full form; however, there has been times when my time-pressed schedule has prevented me from preparing all the veggies I need for my green smoothie to start my day. It is on these days that I reach for my ever trusty Vegan Protein Powder Vega One. (I’ve previously mentioned it in my Best Green Smoothie Recipe post here). {Read More}

Most Glorious Desert EVER – Banana Nut “Ice Cream” Recipe

Good Evening Lovelies! With the arrival of the first snow of the year here in the North, and to celebrate of the arrival of my bestie from NY, it was an occasion for desert. While this bombshell is incredibly delicious, it contains no dairy, no sugar (other than natural fruit sugar), its vegan, it cures your sweet tooth and it includes chocolate. Does it get any better? I think not! You will thank me later for this one, I can {Read More}